The cotton is one of the most widely raw materials used in the textile and garment manufacturer , because it is breathable, comfortable and resistant to washing . With this development, it can also be an excellent tool for textile electronics.
Researchers have developed a cheap and sustainable method of making impregnating fabrics with a conductive ink based on modified graphene flakes which adhere better to the wool unmodified graphene. Furthermore, the heat to which have undergone the tissue with the ink improves the conductivity of graphene. Specifically, they have managed to produce a wearable sensor movement. The method for inserting graphene modified cotton fiber is similar to that used for pigmentarlo.
Graphene, electrically conductive fibers, cotton, technical textile
Although there are plenty of wearables sensors on the market, most used electronic components mounted on rigid fabric or other flexible materials. In addition, most are not really compatible with human skin, can not withstand washing and are uncomfortable because they lack breathability.
Other conductive inks are made of precious metals such as silver, which makes them very expensive and unsustainable, while graphene is environmentally friendly, cheap and chemically compatible with cotton , said Torrisi, one of the British scientists . The conversion of the cotton fibers in electronic components can open a new era of textile applications, from health care to the Internet of Things . Thanks to nanotechnology, in the future our textile garments incorporate electronics that will make them interactive.
This method assures Chaoxia Wahg, University of Jianghan- allow us to introduce electronic systems directly into the tissues. Opens incredible possibilities to produce smart textiles .
Graphene is changing our technological environment thanks to its physical properties. The electrical and mechanical properties of atoms offer clear advantages. In addition, environmental compatibility and adherence to cotton makes it the ideal for applications materials wearables .